Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! All students wishing to join Groove Studios will audition for level placement and go through regular evaluations to support goal setting. Rise Dance Company (competitive team) Auditions will happen in May each year. Pre-company auditions will happen primarily in August, but may be accommodated throughout the school year depending on studio availability.

  • No! Our curriculum is developed to support those who aspire to compete or dance professionally, but is open to anyone who wants an elevated foundational dance education.

  • Most of our curriculum is for dancers age 3-19. However, our Mommy & Me class welcomes students under 6, and we have some adult classes like Tap, Hip-Hop, and Senior Citizen Tap!

  • It depends on the studio size, level, company and pre-company requirements. The average class size will range from 5-15 students. Convention style classes, Intensives and workshops may reach 25 students.

  • 30-90 minutes depending on level and type. For example, classes for younger students will be shorter to hold attention, while senior dancers will take a number of 90 minute classes to meet weekly curriculum hours.

  • Pre-Dance and Adult classes will not have level or minimum hour requirements.

    Pre-company will require a minimum of 3 hours per week including 1 ballet class.

    Company members will be required to complete 7-15 hours of curriculum per week (depending on age). The age category will also define specific required classes.

  • Ballet will require level appropriate attire, tights and hair in a clean neat bun. All other classes will require fitted athletic clothing and appropriate shoes. Hip hop is the exception - have some fun and wear something baggy.

  • Yes, we'll do monthly evaluations and share skills earned + set new goals for each student. This will all be shared with parents through the parent portal.

  • Company members cannot miss more than 30 hours of required curriculum within any school year. However, we will make exceptions for injury, illness and approved intensives/competitions/opportunities related to their individual dance path.

    To reduce disruption in classes, we will not offer make ups at this time.

  • Yes, as a studio we will sponsor 1 cert/course per year and/or offer in-house workshops to ensure our teachers grow too.

  • No way! Dancers grow when they learn from new people and are exposed to different styles of dance. We highly encourage dancers to participate in intensives, workshops and classes outside of Groove Studios when they can. Our only ask is that you meet your curriculum requirements in studios if you are a Company Member.

  • Of course! We hope to bring in outside instructors/choreographers at least 1-2 times a month. This will be our bi-weekly convention class and will also feature in house instructors/choreographers.