It was all

a dream.

When Directors Maddie and Melissa dreamed about their ideal teaching environment, they envisioned a space where young dancers received competitive, high quality dance training, from dance educated, certified and creative teachers without having to travel to a big city. Through networking and years of teaching, they made this dream a reality when Groove Studios was born. 

Groove Studios is dedicated to helping strong and creative dancers achieve their collegiate and professional goals.

A series of rigorous weekly classes reserved for members of Rise Dance Company. These closed classes ensure dancers work alongside peers who are equally as motivated and are comparable in technical skill. Small class sizes allow dancers to receive individualized training and attention to elevate their technical abilities. 

Choreography learned in these classes will be competed in required and optional competitions at the groups discretion.

Company Member Program

Pre- Company Program

Pre-Company dancers do not compete but will perform as part of our year-end showcase and can participate in community events throughout the season. Some of these classes will be integrated with our company members as well. This allows us to offer promising young dancers a challenging curriculum that will build a strong technical foundation, and confidence to successfully dance competitively in the future if they choose to.

Pre-company dancers of all levels must take a minimum of 3 hours of class per week. Dancers are evaluated throughout the year for consideration to join company.

Pre-Dance Program

Where young dancers, up to age 6, explore creative movement, ballet, tap and tumble. There is no minimum number of class hours, but we offer lot’s of choice to keep things fun and interesting.

This program includes a mommy and me class for children who are still in diapers or may require a little more help during class.

Students will be given the opportunity to participate in year end recital along with pre-company and company dancers.

Workshops & Intensives

Throughout the year, we’ll invite professional dance, theater and voice experts from around the world to offer intensives and workshops within our studio. This will diversify education and help students go deep on technique.

Sign-up will be opened to the students outside of our studio if we have openings after interested company and pre-company members have registered.

Bi-weekly Convention

These Saturday classes will offer students bi-monthly opportunities to explore different genres of dance not typically offered in our curriculum and improve their ability to quickly pick up choreography from a multitude of teachers.

We may offer these to students outside of our studio, depending on availability.